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How to use Size Classes and Vary for Traits in iOS?

Hi Folks, I hope you are doing well. Today I am going to explain regarding Size Classes and Vary for Traits in iOS. Size classes are traits assigned to user interface elements, like scenes or views. These are the groups of screen sizes that are applied to the width and height of the device screen. This is very useful when we want to show the different layout in iPhone and iPad for the same User interface. The Size Classes currently exists are Compact and Regular.

In Xcode, the Compact Size Classes are referred with wC (Compact Width) and hC (Compact Height) and Regular Size Classes are referred with wR (Regular Width) and hR (Regular Height).

In Storyboard at the bottom, you can see which Size Classes is currently selected with respect to the selected device. Also, you can change the orientation to change the size classes.


For more information on size classes according to Devices, you can visit

Previously some programmers maintain two or more storyboard for different layouts.

Let’s understand the usefulness of the size classes by creating a small demo project. Follow the steps with me:

Two options will appear as shown below.


Now your layout is ready to run on the device.




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