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Storyboard in iOS

Storyboard in iOS is the visual representation of the user interface. it’s showing the sequence of screens.

Storyboard allows us to create multiple screens in a single file.

The transitions between two storyboard screens need the segue object.

Xcode provides the inbuilt visual editors for designing the screens using objects.

Create iOS storyboard app in swift

1-> First we will create the project and select the storyboard as an interface builder.

2-> After creating the project we will get the Main.storyboard file with the project.

And this file contains the one default view controller.

3-> Now we will create two view controllers and connect the storyboard view controller with swift class.

We have created the first view controller class and second view controller class.

4-> Design completed in both controllers and added the navigation controller for navigating between two-controller.

5-> Now added the segue for push to the second view controller.

6-> Now we will create action from the second view controller back button using code.

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And for more info about the storyboard read this blog also.

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