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In-App Subscription Receipt Validation in iOS using swift.

I have already shared a blog where I implemented In-App Subscription in iOS. If you have not read yet then click here.

In this blog, I am going to show how we validate the Subscription? I will start with Step 11 from the previous blog.

Step 1: Call the receiptValidation() Method from the updatedTransactions. Note that only receiptValidation() call only when Transaction State is purchased.


Step 2: Now handle the receiptValidation() method.

There is two verifyReceiptURL for gathering the information from iTunes for both sandbox and live.

The verifyReceiptURL API having 2 params. One is receipt-data which content local receipt stored data and the second one is the password where you have to pass Shared Secret.

Step 3:  Now get the expire date from the response data.

Call the getExpirationDateFromResponse() after the data received from the API.


So please follow the above steps to validate the subscription and And if you have any issue or suggestion you can leave your message in the comment section I will try to solve this.

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