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In-App Review in Flutter

In this article, we are going to learn how we can implement in-app review in flutter application.

The review is part of our application where users review our app based on features and bugs.

A good rating allows our app available higher on searches which increases our user base.

Check out more about Flutter app development services by Mobikul.

We are going to use in_app_review package to implement this feature in our app.

First, install the package:

With Flutter:

flutter pub add in_app_review

Next, we are going to initialize the Plugin

final InAppReview inAppReview = InAppReview.instance;

To request the review, we need to call the requestReview method

Testing requestReview() on Android isn’t as simple as running your app via the emulator or a physical device.

For this, we need to upload the app to the play store. For more info on testing please check this.

On Ios, we test this via a simulator or physical device.

We can also allow our users to redirect to a particular store and rate there.

For that, we are going to use a method openStoreListing.

inAppReview.openStoreListing(appStoreId: “your_app_store_id”);

Note that for this method to work on iOS we need to pass appStoreId.


That’s it, this is how we implement in-app review in flutter applications.

Hope you understood and liked it.

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