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Implement full-page scrolling in Flutter

You probably already have noticed the UI flow similarity between TikTok and Instagram Reels. Both of these apps adapt a full page scroll based on user swipe-like flick gestures in UX. So, let’s check how can we implement full-page scrolling in Flutter.

This way of design gives the user a fully immersive app experience without any distractions. Let us see an example of the same full-page vertical scroll-based app experience in Flutter.

Read more about Flutter app development from Mobikul.

We will first declare a PageController that will control the state of the PageView widget. We also specify the index of the initially loaded page.

Define a list of pages to scroll through. Add a Container widget and specify height and width.

Declare a PageView widget with a vertical scroll direction. We can also define physics, reverse, and clipBehaviour properties.

Now our app is ready. Check out the output:

So, this is how we implement full-page scrolling in Flutter. You can add videos, images, or text according to your needs in the Container widget.

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