Before going to understand that how you can build a native iOS Mobile App for your Magento2 Store. First I would like to tell you about the advantages of having a native mobile application for your Magento2 Store.
Nowadays everyone wants to take their businesses to the mobile platform. Becuase they know customers spend more time on the mobile app as compared to mobile web and desktop.

The mobile application provides a hassle free experience to your customers so that they can shop from the mobile application on the go. The mobile application is contributing a tremendous role to creating a competitive advantage for your Magento2 Store.
In the starting, why I have used the word of the native app, not the hybrid app.
I would say that you can save the time and money to build a Hybrid app but you will not get a better user interface (UI) as compared to the Native app.
A hybrid app can never meet the level of creative user experience that you get in a native app. If you want to build an excellent user experience, the native app would be the better option.
The native app provides the user-friendly and easy navigation experiences to your customers.
If we discuss the native app vs mobile web then the native app will always win. The native app users are much much higher than the mobile web users in the world.
The simple logic is that mobile web pages have higher loading time as compared to the native app so that no one wants to waste their valuable time.
Higher loading time reduces the customers’ patience. Increasing the loading time is proportional to the decreasing your conversion rate.
How to build a native iOS mobile app:
The best mobile application can help you to create a competitive environment for your competitors.
The best Mobile App for your Magento2 store must have all the essential features and functionalities and it should work perfectly according to your business needs & strategy.
Also, you need to take care of technology which is used to create the mobile application so that you do not face any performance issues.
You can build and publish the mobile application for your Magento2 Store in just 4 Steps as you can see in the below image.
I would like to recommend you to go for Mobikul the mobile app builder by Webkul. Mobikul is the most exclusive and unique open code platform in the m-commerce industry to build the native iOS and Android applications for Magento2 Store.
I would like to introduce the Mobikul Mobile App Builder for Magento2 and also I would like to introduce the features and benefits of having Mobikul Mobile App Builder for Magento2.
As you can see in the above image, there are plenty of features that you can get with the Mobikul Mobile Application for Magento2. There are some other features of the Mobikul Mobile Application –
- All Product Type Supported – MOBIKUL Mobile Application supports all types of product. Customers can easily purchase any type of products like- Simple, Bundled, Grouped, Configurable, Downloadable and Virtual from the mobile application.
- One Time Password – One Time Password (OTP) is just for a double check, even if your customers’ password got leaked somehow, even then no one can login from their account and access their personal information.
- Works in Offline Mode – Our Mobikul Mobile provides a comfort zone to your customers so that they can revisit the mobile application in offline mode. Now customers can view their previously visited products in offline mode.
- Finger Print Login – Customers can choose the login option to fingerprint so that they can easily login their account via fingerprint in the future. It’s more secure and one step login option
- Unlimited push notification – The mobile platform has a huge role to engage your customers to your mobile store. Mobikul Mobile App supports the feature Push Notification which is an essential feature of the mobile application.
It helps to increase the customers’ engagement over the mobile store. You can also see the benefits of push notifications by clicking here. - Social Login – Customers can easily Login the mobile app via using their social accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google etc. The advantage of social logins can make the registration simpler, and therefore faster.
- Mobile Login – Instead of entering long email address again and again for Login the mobile app they can simply Login via their 10 digits mobile number.
- Interactive Theme – The most important part to attract your customer is the theme that you are using for your app store. Mobikul is extremely customizable with the color, text, font, images and themes.
We have recently introduced our Theme Builder with the great features and functionalities – Red Theme – Mobikul
And there are many more features that you can see by clicking here.
NOTE: Most interesting part is that you are getting the native iOS app with the native Andriod app for your Magento2 Store.
If you haven’t built the mobile application for your Magento2 Store or Magento2 Marketplace, then what are you waiting for ?
We have the unique solution for your Magento 2 Store – Mobikul Mobile App Builder for Magento2 and for your Magento Marketplace Store – Mobikul Marketplace for Magento2.
For more information contact us at