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Barcode scanner in Flutter

Scan by mobile is in trend in most apps, the Easiest way to send/receive information from code that can be scanned by the camera.

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We are going to explain how we can integrate a Barcode scanner in the Flutter application. We will show the code more instead of theory.

Let’s start, As always first step is dependency integration in the app. Add flutter_barcode_scanner in pubspec.yaml.

Here, ^2.0.0 is the latest version. Please check at least once the latest version before using it from here.

Barcode scanner package can be an import –

import ‘package:flutter_barcode_scanner/flutter_barcode_scanner.dart’;

For iOS please add this line in Info.plist. because you will use the camera of an iOS device and you have to mention why you will use it.

<string>Camera permission is required for barcode scanning.</string>

Here, We can pass scan mode as – { QR, BARCODE, DEFAULT } for graphic overlay for QR or Barcode

For continuous scanning, you can use –

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Happy coding </ ….. 🙂 >

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