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AppsFlyer integration in Swift

AppsFlyer integration in Swift

In today’s blog, we will learn AppsFlyer integration in Swift.

AppsFlyer is used to track app installation and event recording functionality. You can track in-app events, like app launch, products viewed, orders tracking, etc.

Let’s check below the AppsFlyer integration in Swift procedure.

Install the SDK:

Step 1: Firstly, add the dependency.

Step 2: Run pod install command.

Initialize the SDK:

Step 1: Import the dependencies.

Step 2: In AppsFlyer, go to Configuration > App Settings

Copy your dev key, and save it.

Now, initialize the SDK with the below code.

Step 3: Then, start the SDK by writing the below code in the “applicationDidBecomeActive” function.

Step 4: Finally, you can call the events you want to track. Please check below sample code to track the items added to the wishlist.

To check all the events please follow this link.

After initializing the events, your AppsFlyer dashboard will look like this.

Hope this blog helped you with a better understanding of AppsFlyer.

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Thanks for reading 🙂

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