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How to handle user Input and Output in Dart CLI

In this blog, we will learn about how to handle user Input and Output in Dart CLI.

How to handle user Input and Output in Dart CLI


Dart is a versatile programming language known for its role in building cross-platform mobile apps with Flutter.

However, its capabilities extend far beyond mobile development, making it an excellent choice for building lightweight, efficient Command-Line Interface applications.

Whether you’re building a simple utility tool or a more complex application, handling user input and output is fundamental.


Getting Started with a Dart CLI Application:-

First, verify that Dart is installed on your machine. If it isn’t, download it from After you’ve installed it, you can create a new CLI project:

Reading User Input:-

Dart provides the stdin object from the dart:io library to read user input. Here’s an example:

Key Points:

Writing Output to the Console:-

You can use the print() function to display output in the console. For example:

For formatted output, use string interpolation or concatenation:

Handling Errors in User Input:-

Input validation is crucial for a robust CLI application. Here’s how to validate numeric input:

Using Command-Line Arguments:-

Dart CLI apps can also accept arguments directly when the app is executed. Here’s an example:

Run this script with:


Handling user input and output effectively is the cornerstone of creating interactive and user-friendly CLI applications.

You can explore other blogs from this site.

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Hope this blog helped you to better understand how to handle user Input and Output in Dart CLI.

You can check the official documentation here

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