In this blog,
I have shown how to use the database SQLite in android. I have shown how to create table, insert values in that table and fetch that data from the table to access.
SQLITE: SQLite is an open source SQL database which stores the data to a text file on a device.
Android uses the SQLite database for implementation.
There are some steps to use the SQLite in android.
Step 1: How to Create Database
For creating a database you have to call the method named openOrCreateDatabase with your database name and mode as a parameter.
1 SQLiteDatabase myDb = openOrCreateDatabase("my_database_name",MODE_PRIVATE,null);
Step 2: How to create table and insert in table
For creating the table or insert data into table using execSQL method defined in SQLiteDatabase class
1 myDb.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Webkul_Demo_Table(Username VARCHAR,Password VARCHAR);");
For insertion
1 myDb.execSQL("INSERT INTO Webkul_Demo_Table VALUES('demo','demo');");
or we can use the ContentValues
for the insertionan,
123 ContentValues values = new ContentValues();values.put(Username, "demo");values.put(Password, "demo");
Using this you can create and store the data in DB.