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UiCollectionView in iOS

UiCollectionView in iOS shows the data in a grid view.

The collection view is very similar to the table view.

UicollectionView in iOS provides the delegate and data source inbuilt function.

In collection view, we need to manage the height and width.

Collection view used supplementary for the header.

Delegate Of Collection View

-> didDeselectItemAt

Use for select the row

-> shouldDeselectItemAt

User for deselect the row

DataSource Of Collection View

-> numberOfSection

This function is used for creating the number of sections in the collection view.

-> numberOfItemsInSection

This function works for creating the number of rows in sections.

-> cellForItemAt

This method returns the object of uicollectionviewcell.

Collection View Flow Layout Delegate

-> sizeForItemAt

This method returns the height and width of the cell.

Here we will take one example to show the working on collection view.

-> First we take the collection view in the storyboard.

-> Then we will create a collection view cell.

-> Now we will assign the identifier to identify the cell in the controller.

-> Now we will implement the delegate and datasource of the collection view.

-> We will use the inbuilt method of delegate and datasource.

-> And Now Register the cell.

-> Full code

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And for more info about collection view read this blog also.

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