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Speech_To_Text In Flutter

Speech_To_Text In Flutter is used to convert voice or speech into the form of text or converting spoken words into written texts.

Before we start, have a look at flutter app development services from mobikul.

In this blog, we are using three packages to completely demonstrate the speech to text in a flutter.

Here, we are also going to use the confidence feature which measures the degree of accuracy for the response.

Let’s Start The Steps For Integrating Speech_To_Text In Flutter

Step1: Create a flutter project.

Step2: Add the below dependencies in pubspec.yaml file.

In order to check the updated version of the dependency click here.

Step3: Now add permission for record voice in AndroidManifest.xml file.

Step4: We should make sure that minSdkVersion must be greater than 21.

Step5: Now start coding for the same.

Finally, we can run the code and as a result, we can see the below output.


In this blog, we have discussed Speech_To_Text In Flutter.

I hope it will help you out in understanding and getting a brief about it.

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Thank you for reading!!


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