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Simple Splash Screen in Android

Simple Splash Screen in Android

In this blog, We are going to implement Simple Splash Screen in Android using styles.

There are two commonly used methods to implement the splash screen in android.

1st Method (Bad Way): We can add splash by using timmer. In this approach, We create a new thread for the delay for a specific time like 2/3 sec. Once the delay is completed then it opens the main activity and finishes itself by calling finish().

The above-mentioned approach is not correct.

2nd Method (Right way): Using a Launcher Theme. Application theme is instantiated before the layout is created. So, we will just set a custom theme in Manifest for our splash activity.

Step 1:

First of all, We have to create a drawable resource file that must be layer-list type. In that, we will use a bitmap tag to show the image.


Step 2:

Create a new Style for SplashActivity in res/values/themes.xml

Step 3:

Set “mySplashStyle” the theme for SplashActivity in AndroidManifest.xml

Step 4:

Launch the MainActivity by using Intent in onCreate() and finish the SplashActivity.

Here we have done. I hope, this blog will be helpful to you.

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