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How to show progressbar in place of placeholder in android using picasso and glide library

For Picasso:

Add dependency for Picasso in your build.gradle file.

We use placeholder by default that seems static which often irritating so using Picasso library we can use progressbar in place of placeholder or we can create custom progressbar in which we can use animation.

In your XML file use Framelayout or Relative layout in which we can define imageview and progressbar (OR make your own custom progress bar).

In Picasso, there is into(View, Callback) method in which we can pass two parameter View and Callback. In Callback there is two methods onSuccess() and onError().

on Success() method call when image loaded successfully .

on Error() method call if there any network issue.

Until server response, we can use custom progress bar in place of placeholder and setVisibility(View.Gone) onSuccess() method.


For Glide:

Add dependency for Picasso in your build.gradle file.

In Glide there is RequestListener until your imageView update we can show any custom progressBar over imageView.

In RequestListener there are two methods onException and onResourceReady.

onException() method call if there any exception thrown.

onResurceReady() method call when image loaded successfully

When Image successfully loaded we can dismiss progressBar in onResourceReady method.



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