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Shake Sdk Android

Shake Bug Regpsorting:-

In android, We are not able to reproduce some issues in the development phase due to the lack of different resolutions of devices and cases and in the production phase, We want some tools to track the issues.  So, now the shake bug reporting tool is available with powerful features. Shake bug reporting tool can be implemented in android, iOS, Flutter, and react-native. Please review the table below:-

Android iOS React Native Flutter
Custom invocation
Bug screenshot
Feedback types
Intro message
Inspect bug
Screen recording
File attachment
Quick facts
Black box
Network requests
Notification tracking
Touch tracking
System events
Custom logs
Console logs
Manage sensitive data
Silent reports
Email pre-fill
White labeling

Add Shake dependency to your app-level build.gradle file

Set compileSdkVersion version in the build.gradle file


Initialize Shake

You can get API _CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET from the dashboard.


After running the app, Your app will add on the shake dashboard with app bundle id.



For more details, please review the following links once:-





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