Real-Time Synchronization is a must-have feature in all the eCommerce mobile applications as it synchronizes the real-time changes with the web store or store website. Moreover, MOBIKUL Mobile Application provides synchronization for each and every scenario.

This means, whatever changes are happening in the web end or mobile app end it will reflect on the other end respectively and the time will be very less.
Technologies used in this feature:
- RESTful APIs to exchange data between the mobile application and your E-commerce store.
- JSON or XML is use as the mode of data exchange between the E-commerce store and mobile application.
Benefits of Real-Time Synchronization
- No need to manage Customer Data: The admin does not need to manage the customer data at multiple ends like mobile application and web end.
- Order Details Updated Soon: The order placed from any of the ends its details will get updated in all the ends.
- Start Working at any End: The customer does not need to think about the device they are going to use, they can start shopping anytime anywhere.
Eventually, that’s all for the Real-Time Synchronization in the Mobile Apps feature. Further, if you have any issues, feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views to make the module better at