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The pull_to_refresh or (swipe-to-refresh) feature enables a user to pull down to fetch more data. The pull-to-refresh feature can be seen in many modern apps. The pull-to-refresh feature can be implemented in those components that are scrollable.

Features of pull_to_refresh

Read more about Flutter app development services from mobikul.



Add the required package in your pubspec.yaml file and then run the below-mentioned command

flutter pub get (As a result this command gets all the dependencies listed in the pubspec. yaml file)

To know more about pubspec.yaml please check this link.


Now, the setup is complete and then we can move forward to the implementation in our flutter application.

Note:- Here I’m using the simple example for the demonstration of this package you can use this package according to your needs.

1- Add the below line in your class to import the package.
import ‘package:pull_to_refresh/pull_to_refresh.dart’;

2- Make a function to handle your business logic while refreshing the UI

3- Then create your view and start the implementation

Note:- In some cases, you will notice that the refresh indicator is not showing.
To make it visible all the time please use the physics property. In Flutter all the scrollable widgets have physics properties.

physics: const AlwaysScrollPhysics()

Complete the above mentioned code then you will get this output.

As a result, you will get the same output as below attached video.

For more information about this package please check this link

Hopefully, this blog will be helpful to you to understand the pull_to_refresh. If you have any queries, please write them in the comment section.

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