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Optimizations of RecyclerView Performance

1.Set setHasFixedSize attribute when the recycler view item does not change the sizes of its children at runtime.

2. When data gets changed, try to update only the affected items. When adding more items, just use:

notifyDataSetChanged(), RecyclerView.Adapter didn’t assign the same ViewHolder to the original item in the data set. In case of notifyDataSetChanged(), call setHasStableIds(true) on your adapter and override getItemId(int position) to return a unique Id that would represent each Data Item, simply return.So

3.  For  RecyclerView with Nested RecyclerViews, setRecycledViewPool allows multiple RecyclerViews to share a common pool of scrap views. This can be useful if you have multiple RecyclerViews with adapters that use the same view type.

4. RecyclerView Create taking too long

If your view taking a too long time to inflate, look at reducing the cost of your inflation. Reducing unnecessary container and structural Views can help – consider building itemViews with ConstraintLayout, which can make it easy to reduce structural Views


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