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Material Design Component – Chips

One of the cool widgets that you can use with the Material Design Components library is a Chip. A Chip is a component that can represent input, filter, choice or action of a user.

To use Chips, your project needs to have material components dependency.

And your app theme’s parent should be one of the MaterialComponents themes.


Chips allow users to enter information, make selections, filter content, or trigger actions. Chips should appear dynamically as a group of multiple interactive elements. Unlike buttons, which should be a consistent and familiar call to action, one that a user expects to appear as the same action in the same general area.


You can check for example of every type in the official docs.

XML usage of a chip is as follows:

Handling Clicks

Call setOnClickListener(OnClickListener) to register a callback to be invoked when the chip is clicked.

Or, call setOnCheckedChangeListener(OnCheckedChangeListener) to register a callback to be invoked when the chip is toggled.


Action Chip is the default Material style, but you can apply any of the other styles using a style attribute.




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