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Local Notification In iOS

Use local notifications to get the user’s attention. This type of notification managed locally.

And in the local notification no need for server-side help for invoking. Similarly, this will work like push notification

Local notification is a text-based message at top of the application.

we are using the UserNotifications framework to implement the local notification.

Therefore We will follow 2 steps to achieve local notifications.

In addition we define the user notification object creation.

1 – Request for user authorization


First, we will create the object of the UNUser notification center. After That we are using above function for user authorization.

And after this user allows for notification. Call the requestForLocalNotifications in app delegate didFinishlaunch function.

And this function executes first when the app load.

2 – Create local notification

we will invoke the local notification on button action.

To create the local notification we need to take care of three things.

1-> Content

Content used for defining which data will show with your notification

2-> Trigger

Trigger used for notification execution. and this defines when notification will triggered.

3-> Request

Request to combine the trigger and content for the notification request.

In other words this helps to fire the request.

The above Code will fire the notification 2 hours but repeated notification restricted.


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But This will help you to create the local notification and if you feel any issue or suggestion then leave a comment.

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