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Introduction of Notification Center In Swift

Notification Center use for broadcasting singles or notifying the methods at the same time. It uses the Observer pattern to inform registered observers when a notification comes in, using a central dispatcher called NotificationCenter.

Before we get started, some quick notes:

Write Notification Center for Observation : –

Let’s create a project to pass and receive data one controller to second controller from Notification Center.

First ViewController:

  1. Take a label, button and a image view in a first Viewcontroller.


2.  In first controllerView , we add or remove Observer in:



            This is the notification registration process for receiving. Based on the key NotificationCenter can observe.

            The addObserver(_:selector:name:object:) function has 5 parameters:

3.  Now write functions you want to call when a notification is observed.



function has one parameter, which is a Notification object. you can use userInfo to send some data with the notification.

4.  Every notification has a name of type Notification.Name.

Second ViewController:

  1. Take two buttons in second ViewController.

2.   Now, add Notification Post in both button action.


This will call the notification method from any place and changed the label and image view according to key. It will identify based on key the observer. You can also pass data with this post Notification.


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