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Integrating HelpCrunch Chatbot in iOS Application.

Integrating HelpCrunch Chatbot in iOS Application

In this blog, we will learn about how to integrate HelpCrunch Chatbot in iOS Application. Please follow the below steps to add HelpCrunch Chatbot in your project.

Step 1 : Install HelpCrunch SDK using Cocoa Pods.


Step 2: Import HelpCrunch in the top of App Delegate.


Step 3: Initialise the HelpCrunch SDK in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function in App Delegate class


Step 4: To show HelpCrunchUI, call showFromController helper method on HelpCrunch


Step 5: After you called HelpCrunch controller, it will look like this



Please follow the above step and if you have any issue or suggestion you can leave your query/suggestion in the comment section I will try to solve that.

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