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How to integrate the paypal standard payment gateway in your android app Chapter-2

This is the chapter-2 of how to integrate the PayPal standard payment gateway in your android app.

In the previous chapter, we had known how to get the API Credentials after that we to implement it in the app.

How to integrate in the app

Step 1: Get the Client_id and serect(which will be used in future) by creating the app in PayPal developer account.

For knowing, how to get the client_id and secret go to this knowledgebase.

Step 2: Make a credential class file to enter the PayPal app credentials

Step 3: Configure the PayPal service add it to your payment activity,

Step 4: Prepared checkout data with function getStuffToBuy,

Step 5: getStuffToBuy function return an object,

Step 6: After preparing the data send it to the PaymentActivity.class

Step 7: And At last get the result,

In the response, you have received a pay_id, Which is used to getting the full transaction details of payment by calling simply two API calls.

For getting the full transaction details by the pay_id in PayPal mobile payment visit our this blog.



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