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How to integrate espresso with Firebase(Testlab) ?

In this blog, we will see how to run espresso script in firebase(Testlab) and the benefits of running espresso scripts in firebase (Testlab).

End results of scripts on particular devices:-





In this end results, we can be able to know the errors in the script as well as in app code and it also generates a warning and it individually generates errors captured on different devices.

Benefit of integrating espresso with Firebase (Testlab) as follows:-

  1. We can test our app on different types of devices with different API levels simultaneously.
  2. With the result of test script and app, we can analyze performance, CPU optimization and memory utilization of our app.
  3. Firebase also provides lots of warning and errors in app code so that it’s very helpful to the developers to improve their code quality.
  4. Firebase also provides error results found in test scripts for a particular device so that tester can improve their script quality.




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