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How to install the external app to the android emulator

In this blog,

We have shown you how to install any external app to the android emulator in Android.


How to install the .apk file on the emulator

First of all Execute the emulator.


You have to follow the below steps,

  1. Paste the .apk file to platform-tools in the android-sdk Linux folder.
  2. Open Terminal and navigate to platform-tools folder in android-sdk.
  3. Then Execute this command –

    ./adb install demo.apk

  4. If the installation is successful then you will get your app in the launcher of your android emulator.


Follow the steps if you want to do installation in windows,

  1. Open the cmd, and move to the platform-tools folder of the android-SDK directory.
  2. Paste the .apk file in the ‘android-sdk\tools‘ or ‘platform-tools‘ folder.
  3. Then type the following command.

    adb install C:\Users\Name\AndroidProjects\build\demo.apk


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