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How to implement placeholder image with a custom image widget in the flutter

In the article, I will discuss, how to Implement placeholder images in the custom image widget.

For this, I will use FadeInImage widget to handle placeholder images. This FadeInImage widget, displays a placeholder image before requesting an image from the internet.

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Let’s start with the implementation part.

Firstly, I create an ImageView widget that accepts the URL and build the FadeInImage widget.

Here i have use 2 extra params that accept image height and width which manage image according to the given size.

You can also use the memoryNetwork to access transparent_image package.This package exports one constant: kTransparentImage which is a simple transparent image. To know more about transparent_image package please click here.

Now call this imageview widget in code where we want to show image.

Here is the output:

Note: Make sure you added the asset to the project’s pubspec.yaml file.

Reference links:

In conclusion, I hope this code will help you better to understand implement the placeholder image with custom image widget flutter. If you feel any doubt or query please comment below.

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