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Expandable Floating Action Button in Flutter

In this blog, we will explore about Expandable floating Action Button in Flutter.

The floating action button is an important widget in the Application. Users can Explore multiple features through it.

The floating Action Button can be used to show extra activities from your project. But a few action buttons in one single may hassle your main app screen. In that case, we can use an expandable floating button which may help us to make our application’s UI more eye-catchy.

So, without wasting time let’s start the code implementation of Expandable Floating Action Button(FAB) in Flutter.
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Just add the following code in the main. dart file of your project.

Here I have created the action buttons which I want to show with the click of the Floating Action Button(FAB).

You can create the number of Action Buttons according to your need and requirement.


Now, you need to create a new Expandable FAB as given below.

Here, I have set the Expandable FAB design, timing, distance, animation.

Just copy the above code and paste it into your expandable FAB class.


The code implementation part has been done. Now we will see the output in the below-attached video.

Congratulations!!!! you have learned how to implement the Expandable Floating Action Button in Flutter.

For more details and methods you can refer to the official doc of flutter here.

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Hope this blog helped you with a better understanding of the implementation of Expandable FAB in flutter.

Thanks for reading.😇

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