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Hero Library In Swift

In this blog we will know how we can use Hero Library in swift

  1. Please create a new project or you can use this in the existing product in which you want to implement Hero Library

2. Then you need to add pod in the project

3. Then you need to import the library in the controller

4. You need to create a new view controller to check the presentation style of the view controller

Please enter the below code in you controller in which you need to use it

These are the herolibrary default style

By using this you can present the view controller with different style

5. Please put the below code to your action or button click to present the new view controller

in the above line of code you will simply present the new view controller

please use this line of code to present is with some style

In the above gif you can see the animation from first controller to another one

Thanks for reading 

Hope this blog helped you with a better understanding of Hero Library.

For more technical blogs please visit here.

For more detail about the hero library please click here

If you have any queries/doubt please comment

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