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Google Place Autocomplete Picker Integration In iOS Swift

Place AutoComplete

The autocomplete service in the Places SDK for iOS returns place predictions in response to user search queries. As the user types, the autocomplete service returns suggestions for places such as businesses, addresses and points of interest.

Here i will pick the location use the results controller.

Use a results controller when you want more control over the text input UI. The results controller dynamically toggles the visibility of the results list based on input UI focus.

Steps to add a results controller to your app and get the result

1-> Add below pod with your pod file

2-> Add below code in app delegate file

3-> Create a GMSAutocompleteResultsViewController

4-> Implement the GMSAutocompleteResultsViewControllerDelegate protocol in the parent view controller.

5-> Take UISearchController object, as a result, view controller argument.

6-> Handle the user’s selection in the didAutocompleteWithPlace delegate method.

7-> Add below key with your info-plist file

Add Below code with your view controller



The output is:- Place Address: Delhi, India


So pls follow the above step and And if you have any issue or suggestion you can leave your message in the comment section I will try to solve this.






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