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Get Response as String from your Retrofit Call

In This blog, we will learn about how to Get Response as String from your Retrofit Call.

Many times, during app development we need to use third-party modules and their response is not in our hand. I faced the same issue the response sent from third-party module was a simple string (no formatting done for any parser to work).

Being familiar with retrofit and its custom Converters for the response I got stuck with the response from this API. The response was in front of me through logs but was not accessible as retrofit was rejecting to detect it. So, I had to change the request a bit but implementing it was very easy.


  1. Your Call Should Expect the Default ResponseBody Object in response.
  2. When the response is received you need to call response.body().string() method to get the response as a plain string.



Retrofit call Object :

Retrofit Callback Object :

And That’s It.

Keep coding and Keep Sharing 🙂

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