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Focused Pop-Up Menu in Flutter


In today’s ever-changing mobile app development environment, user experience (UX) is at the heart of an app’s success.

Google’s UI toolkit, Flutter, has become widely used due to its ease of use and flexibility.

The pop-up menu is one of Flutter’s most powerful widgets, and in this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to enhance user interaction by creating focused pop-up menu.

Understanding Pop-up Menus in Flutter:

Check our Flutter app development services page.


Create new project and add the following dependency into your project

For ease of explanation Create a Stateless Widget to show a template on mobile screen which looks something like this…

In above code we have create a simple screen with the help of Grid view to show images on UI.

for more understanding about grid view check blog

Output of the example code

You will see the output of the example code as showing below…

Now Wrap ClipRRect widget (which return image item) with FocusedMenuHolder widget and add menu items as per your need as mention in below code

You can see that we have wrap the targeted widget with FocusedMenuHolder widget in above code

You will see the output as

Adding styles in Pop-Up Menu

You can also customize the default style of Pop-Up Menu by adding icon colour, background colour and text style.

In above code we have applied the icon colour as “orange” in “info” icon.

We have also changed the FocusedMenuItem background Colour as “blueGrey”.

You will get the output as showing below after applying the colours.


Thanks for reading this article ❤️

I hope this blog will help you to learn about how to implement Focused Pop-Up Menu in flutter and you will be able to implement it.

For more updates, make sure to keep following Mobikul Blogs to learn more about flutter and android.

Happy Learning ✍️

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