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Custom swipe approach in Espresso

In espresso, some times the swipe functionality not works like for “Swipeleft”, “swiperight”,”swipeup”,”swipedown”,”swipeup”.

so for this problem we can create a custom swipe to swipe up , down , left and right.

1. Swipe Up :-

Swipe up used to custom swipe the page upward using the id of any element.



2. Swipe Down :-

Swipe down used to custom swipe the page downward direction using the id of any element.

usage :-


3. Swipe Left :-

Swipe left used to custom swipe the page leftward direction using the id of any element.

usage :-


4. Swipe Right :-

Swipe left used to custom swipe the page rightward direction using the id of any element.

usage :-


So in this way, we can create a custom swipe approach in espresso when the swipe doesn’t work.

Hope this blog will help you.

Thanks for reading  : )








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