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How to change the hamburger icon in android

In this blog,

We will see how to change the default hamburger icon by programmatically. And will also see some style techniques for changing the default icon colors.

The hotdog or hamburger button is a button in a graphical user interface carrying an icon consisting of three parallel horizontal lines (displayed as ☰). It is often placed in the top left or top right of a user interface and is so called for its resemblance to a hotdog or hamburger.

Selection of a hotdog/hamburger button typically results in a menu of pages or options.

Change the default hamburger icon by program

There are few simple step to achieve our desire,

Step 1: Setup the drawer toggle

Step 2: Set the DrawerIndicatorEnabled to false

Step 3: Set the listener to the drawer Toggle because by above setup your hamburger button click will not work as previous,

Step 4: Finally set the icon which we want,

Change the default hamburger icon color 

There are also few simple steps to do achieve this,

Step 1: Simply Make a style in style.xml file,


Step 2: Finally create a style and set it to the drawerArrowStyle attribute,



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