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Bottom Navy Bar In Flutter

Bottom Navy Bar in Flutter is a beautiful and animated bottom navigation Widget. The navigation bar uses our current theme, but we are free to customize it.

We have the BottomNavyBar widget, which we can use in the Scaffold to give the bottom navigation bar. Along with it, we also have BottomNavyBarItem, which we can use inside the BottomNavyBar widget to give the items.

Read more about Flutter app development from mobikul.

Properties of BottomNavyBar

Properties of BottomNavyBarItem


Step1: Add the bottom_navy_bar dependency to pubspec.yaml file.

Step2: Run “flutter pub get” in the root directory of your app.

In order to check the updated version of the dependency click here.

Step3: Now start the coding for the same.




Congratulations!! You have learned how to use the Bottom Navy Bar in Flutter.

For more detail, you can refer to the official doc of a flutter here.

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Thanks for reading!!.


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