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AR core with glb/gltf model using Sceneform

The 3D model can in the form of GLB or GLTF format and these 3D models can be loaded at runtime without conversion. Which is an improvement in the flexibility of the models rendered in the application.

In this blog, we will be using the GLB format because the GLTF model is dependent on there .bin file which has to be saved with its corresponding file but a GLB file contains a 3D model saved in the GL Transmission Format (glTF). It stores information about a 3D model, such as node hierarchy, cameras, and materials, animations, and meshes in binary format. GLB files are the binary version of .gltf files.

Some important links for the AR model

1:Conversion from .gltf to .glb online :

Copy all the files from the model(.gltf and .bin file) and drag on this link: Click here

2: Conversion from .obj to .glb offline using node.js:   Click here

3: To get the sample models: Click here

Let’s get it into code

1. In your project build.gradle dependencies:

2. In your app build.gradle dependencies:

3. In the Android Manifest.xml file:

3. Adding ar code on the MainActivity.kt file:

4. Let’s add the scene form ArFragment on the layout code of activity_ar.xml code:

Now you just have to pass the .glb/.gltf model URL on the “arModel” string. Now just run your app.

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That’s it from my side for today, thanks for reading it until now.

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