How to align-justify a Paragraph if TextView is not align-justify the Text?
By using the WebView we can align a text to justifying text for both RTL and LTR supported Languages.
Just follow the following easy steps.
- Add WebView in your layout abc.xml file
- Create an HTML tag String
for RTL supported languages.
1234String text;text = "<html><body dir=\"rtl\"; style=\"text-align:justify;\">";text += Your_Content_String;text += "</body></html>";
for LTR supported Languages.
1234String text;text = "<html><body style=\"text-align:justify;\">";text += Your_Content_String ;text += "</body></html>";
- Put String to your WebView
for RTL supported Languages.
1((WebView) v.findViewById(, "text/html; charset=UTF-8", "utf-8");
for LTR supported Languages.
1((WebView) v.findViewById(, "text/html", "utf-8");