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How to Use 3D Models in Flutter

In this blog, we will learn how to use 3D Models in Flutter.

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Three-dimensional (3D) models have three dimensions: depth, breadth, and length. They are used in many ways to improve user experience.

A 3D model is a digital representation in three dimensions of a necessary object, which can be fictional or actual. The creation of 3D models takes place with the help of special software for digital model.

A Flutter widget for displaying interactive 3D models in glTF and GLB formats. The widget utilizes Google’s model-viewer web component within a WebView for smooth rendering.


Step 1: Add the dependencies

Now, run the command “flutter pub get” to add the dependencies.

To include the required package in your class, please add it using the appropriate method.

Step 1: AndroidManifiest.xml (Android 9+ only)

To use this widget on an Android device running version 9 or higher, your app must be permitted to establish an HTTP connection to http://localhost:XXXXX.

It’s worth noting that Android 9 (API level 28) has changed the default setting for android:usesCleartextTraffic from true to false.

To ensure proper functioning of your app, you must modify its AndroidManifest.xml file as shown below.

Step 3: app/build.gradle (Android only)

Change minSdkVersion to 21.

Step 4:Info.plist (iOS only)

To enable the widget on iOS, add a boolean property named “io.flutter.embedded_views_preview” to your app’s ios/Runner/Info.plist file with the value “YES”.

Step 5: Add the assets

– lib/assets/Astronaut.glb

Step 6:How to use ModelViewer Widget

Completed Code:-



That’s it! You’ve successfully used 3d model in your Flutter app.

You can also check other blogs from here.

Thanks for reading this blog ❤️

Hope this blog helped you to better understand how to use 3D model In Flutter.


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